- Explore your Culture workshops
- Strategy Envisioned State sessions
- Bringing Strategy to Life sessions
- Values by Design development sessions
Leadership Capability
- Leadership by Design workshops
- JTI Personality based Team Development workshops (accredited facilitator)
- TMI Personality based Team Development workshops (accredited facilitator)
- Risk Team Development sessions (using the QO2 tool - accredited facilitator)
- Team Charter workshops
- Team Brand sessions
- PDCA and Agile Scrum workshops (certified Professional Scrum Master as facilitator)
Process Improvement
- Process Improvement workshops, using our own D4 process improvement model
- Building Collaboration workshops for Leaders
Internal Customer
- Internal Customer Introduction sessions
- Internal Customer/Supplier Mapping workshops
Continual Learning & Improvement
- Building a Continual Learning & Improvement Mindset leader sessions & staff workshops
- Developing your People workshops for leaders
- Coaching workshops for building your own internal coaches
Like to know more? Request an information sheet on any of the above today.
Not seeing what you're after? Give us a call and have a chat, there's a good chance we can build something to work with your unique requirements.